You may virtually punish me by making me drink warm milk, play a board game with Lucy who makes up the rules as she goes along and listen to someone with a stuffy nose recite Col. Jessep's closing monologue from "A Few Good Men."
So here is the link you have been waiting for....
Nathan's Birthday Party at Chuck E Cheese.
This wasn't so bad. It wasn't torture and it was so much less work than I expected. I am-quite loudly-not a fan of The Rat and his Germy Palace of Pizza and Games but the 6 year old wanted his party here so badly, I couldn't say no. We had a great turn out and a lot of fun. Plus we got some super cute pictures of Nathan and his betrothed, Alexis.
Oh, and David and Damon spending all the extra tokens hunting for deer or something.
Today is Wii Friday and that means We Wii till our brains run out our ears! I am off in search of the Ark of the Covenant with my Indiana Nathan and I promise that posting will be more regular in the future.
And if not, I will make it up to you by letting you take me to the movies and tell me what is about to happen-loudly. It just might kill me.