My mom wanted to spend a special day with the Birthday Girl and Ella and I tagged along. We planned to get pancakes for breakfast but the wait was too long at our favorite pancake place. Lucy said she really wanted Islands and we headed over there to discovered they'd opened just that minute!
We ran some errands (Lucy loves errands!) and then ended up at Walter Anderson's Nursery where Lucy got to pick out any plant she wanted to take care of and grow.
The process for picking out a flower was careful and deliberate. Lucy takes her shopping very seriously.
Thankfully she didn't pick a delicate orchid. The Kalanchoe was the perfect pick!

We picked out some seeds to plant in pots in the backyard too. (This was the third time we have bought seeds to plant...I promised I wouldn't lose these!)

And afterward, we had to have a Flower Themed Fashion Shoot, of course!

She's adorable!!!! our birthdays fall together and so it's a big (sadly right after christmas) season too!