Wednesday, June 06, 2007

And I Never Gave Him a Kiss.

Bob Barker taped his last episode of "The Price is Right" today.
From what I read, it was a very special moment and he even took time to say some kind words to his last audience.

His last episode will air on June 15--you won't want to miss it.

I was one of many in my generation who always loved the guy on sick days home from school and then once he gave a serious beatdown to Happy Gilmore, I loved him even more. (Clip rated PG-13.)

As life went on and I got married and became a Very Serious Adult, my morning television watching fell to a minimum. However, once I had Nate the Great, I needed something to break up the Blues Clues haze I found myself occupying.

There it was, almost as if created for toddlers who love "A NEEEEW CAAAAAARRR!" All you'd have to do was turn it on and that sweet pickle shaped toddler body would jump around and dance and yell "Winner, Winner, Winner!" each time someone won. It would make his day!

When I was younger, my favorite game was the Check Game. But it was mostly because I thought writing checks was the COOLEST thing ever. (OK, fine, I still love to write checks.)

Currently, I am a fan of Plinko but since that doesn't count because EVERYone loves Plinko, I am going to say my favorite pricing game would have to be the Clock Game. Especially after Barney's recent appearance. The man knows how to play the game. (HIMYM Fans? Anyone?)

I have to state, for the record that I really really miss Rod Roddy announcing. But the new guy is OK. But I will NOT stand for the new person writing the SLOPPY SLOPPY NAME TAGS! Even if I had a picture of the shoddily written tags, I wouldn't post it. I will just say that to your right is what they SHOULD look like, OK?
I am very glad we got that cleared up.

So lets have a discussion.
Favorite Price is Right pricing game?

(If you can't remember the name of your favorite, click here for a complete list.)

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