Weekend Talking Points...discuss amoungst yourselves how amazing my life is.
(Hang on, I am laughing too hard to type.)
-I was asked to leave by the manager of Mimi's. I didn't put up a fight since they had closed about 45 minutes ago and were removing cushions from the booths and vacuuming the carpet.
-Took full advantage of the lack of Child Labor Laws in our home and had the kids clean the car with us. They bagged all their toys up and then we put them to work scrubbing the floor mats. After the mats were clean, they cleaned all their outside toys and got soaking wet in the process. We laid towels out on the front lawn and sunbathed and ate lunch picnic style. And then we took a loooong bath. It was one of those days that you never want to end.

-Took two wound up, clean and wiggly kids to the outlet mall in Carlsbad (along with two of our favorite twin 17 year olds) and went shoe shopping for David. Best part? When I lost Lucy in the shoe store and found her heading out the front door. Who had the brilliant idea to not bring the stroller?
-Laughed at the situation Sunday morning during band rehearsal as a hummbingbird flew around the Worship Center for over an hour. He mysteriously disappeared right before church started and I was waiting in anticipation for the bird to drop dead on someone's lap in the middle of the sermon.
-Watched Lucy Joy slide down a really big water slide and splash down in a pool of water. She REALLY didn't like it at first but after about 10 minutes, she was telling everyone what a big girl she was!
-Ahhh, a nice long nap.
-Said goodbye to a fish-Wando the plecostamous was in full rigor by the time we discovered him. Technically he is Wando Number Two since when the last one died we told NAthan that we took him to the pet store doctor to get all better. This time I told him the truth. He is handling it pretty well but gets a little sad now and then.
-Met a black widow. I opened the garage, began to walk out the garage to circle around to the drivers side when I almost ran into the decending spider WITH. MY. FACE. Alyssa jumped INside the car as quickly as possible and I called David to come rescue me. He squashed it with a hammer.
After that excitement, I went and....
-Watched meteors! Alyssa told us about the metor shower and after we discovered that there are just too many lights around my house, we went for a drive. It was amazing. We didn't see a TON but we saw two really big ones with tails that streched across the sky long after they were gone. It was simply breathtaking. The inside of the car had too much light too so we had to get creative to cover up the thermostat and clock. (Yeah, that's a diaper.)

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