Today is my birthday.
I am 31.
It feels like if I am old enough to be 31, then I should really have all my crap together. I totally don't. I think I am going to start by at least keeping my room clean. We will start with the things I should have mastered when I was a teenager. Hey, maybe it will make me feel young again!
I started the morning "sleeping in" which these days means I stay in bed till Ella yells enough to get me out. This morning that meant 7:30am. Man, I am crazy! We raced off to pick Nick up and play a little T-Ball and then home again.
After naptime, the kids iced their own Mommy's Birthday Cupcakes. They got to pick the icing color and had sprinkles and stuff to put on top. It was fun, but one of those activities that took about 5 minutes instead of 25. I took all the leftover icing and mixed it up to ice the rest of the cupcakes and we had a deeeeeeeep purple color on our hands. It was barely edible-color wise. But because I am not one to leave a cupcake lonely and uneaten (especially when it's a lemon cupcake with home made buttercream icing,) I took care of it anyway. I am a really wonderful person like that.
We watched a movie and ate pizza with the kids and after bedtime, David and I watched "Dan in Real Life" with Steve Carell. We'd seen it int he theatre but I loved it so much that I wanted to see it again. It is a lovely film that makes you laugh and leaves you feeling good and maybe a little contemplative.
Now, as I have 30 minutes of "My Day" left, I see my husband asleep on the couch next to me with my 7 week old daughter on his chest. Upstairs, I have a 5 year old asleep in my bed as well as a 3 1/2 year old in one bedroom and a 3 year old in her bedroom. There are a handful of cupcakes still needing to be iced in the kitchen and Star Wars figurines litter my floor. My toenail polish is a little chipped (and will be fixed by church tomorrow or I will be wearing closed toe shoes) and my jeans need to be washed. There is laundry to hang, pictures to edit, a website to update and scripts to review.
This is 31 for me.
I think it is going to be great.