Thursday, November 30, 2006

NaBloPoMo 2006 Final Post!

I want to finish the story of

Love at the Roller Rink


How I Met Your Father


Just Me and DZ

but I am exhausted. I am using the last day of NaBloPoMo to take a "bi" since I posted real posts every day.
Well, almost.

So, what have we learned this month??

-I still love to write.

-I am bad luck on Halloween

-When I am called to step up, I will walk every mile!!

And finally....

-I will miss the NaBloPoMo Randomizer!!! Man, that thing was like crack and is the direct result of my November Exhaustion!

Dear Readers, I ask only one more thing of you. If just for today, just comment a hello. I would love to know who is reading, lurking and-hopefully-enjoying this journey I am on. Say hi and I promise I won't make you do it again!

Till tomorrow..........................


  1. Hey...It's me the MySpace lurker...Of course I read your blogs each day...and always enjoy it! :) MySpace wouldn't let me leave a comment since I'm not a member (and never will be!):)...
    So I'm leaving it here.
    Thanks for entertaining me every day! Love you! Summer

  2. Hi -
    I love reading your blog. I'm just a lurker from Atlanta with two small children.

  3. Um, have you fallen off the planet? Come back and blog!
