Friday, August 29, 2008

Because It's My Job to Know These Things

For the record...

Prince Eric is Ariel's Prince.

Prince Phillip is Sleeping Beauty's (aka Aurora) prince.
(And my favorite of the Disney princess movies. He's drawn the handsomest and Aurora has the best songs.)

Snow White's prince is just "Prince."

And it is Cinderella who ends up with Prince Charming.

No, I did NOT spend an hour I should have used cleaning the house looking all that up because Michelle and I couldn't figure it out on our own when Lucy asked.

Yes, I AM a liar.


  1. Sleeping Beauty aka; Aurora aka; Briar Rose. She's my fav of the Disney bunch, although the animation is kinda odd with the characters and their sharp elbows! :)

  2. You know, it really seems like we should have know this. We're slipping in our old age.

  3. You just like Phillip because he looks like David when he was 20.

  4. I totally agree about sleeping Beauty. Just knowing her name is Aurora should be good for some points...

  5. Someday we will forget, again...just finished reading Sleeping Beauty, for the 248th time.

  6. Really though, it's sad that some men got no names at all...
    and what about the story of the average joe and the princess? Men's rights' activists should have a fit!

  7. thanks for that info. It just might come in handy some day. For now clare is content to call all the princesses cinderella!

  8. I always kinda had a thing for Prince Eric. Prince Charming wasn't bad, but I never liked that he didn't stand up to his father and went through with the ball. Although, it was his destiny... or density, if we're using "Back To The Future" speak.

  9. I just realized that, re Crayl's comment about David & Phillip... Prince Eric also resembles Nate in his twenties. =^) Hubba. Hubba.

  10. Girl, you should of come to me then, I got this prince thing doWWn.

    And MY favorite prince also is prince Eric. He doesn't care about finding a princess to marry or a rich girl. He just wants to fall in love with the right girl ;^). And I love that Ariel is the mystrery girl that no one know about. Plus prince Erick has good eyebrows and good hair =^).

  11. I agree with Misty, is there a fairy tale with Average Joe and the Princess?
