Well, all the dry runs of years past made today just any other "First Day of School." He was an expert at posing on the front lawn, he ate a healthy breakfast, he woke up at God Awful:Thirty begging me to let him get dressed.
It all sounds about right!
There isn't a whole lot to tell: We dropped off, we said goodbye, we did our best to not trip over the little girl who was hiding under the table. (Seriously.)
I could barely hang onto him as he ran off to join his classmates on the rug with his teacher. I don't think David even caught a kiss. Lucy was too busy trying to steal the crayons. (They were brand new, I am sure they were calling to her. I completely understand.)
When we walked out I was fine. When we crossed the street to the car I was fine. It was when we climbed in and realized I forgot to pray with him that I started crying. I was mad at myself for forgetting that.

We dropped David off so he could go to work, and The Girls and I went to the Original Pancake House and drowned our sorrows in carbs and syrup. It really was the only solution.
After school, I was greeted by a smiley faced boy who likes school but said that pre school is more fun. I got a report about a gingerbread man story and how Nathan is going to suggest a camp out to his teacher. In tents. To see if the gingerbread men escape in the night.
Here is the media coverage of Nate's First Day......

The Backpack...Jansport. Simple. Star Wars Patch Necessary.

He looks so little heading into school....

...but he came out looking so much older.

He was even just a little happy to see Lucy.
I think we can declare school a success.