Friday, November 28, 2008

Give Turkey the Bird

Today was Thanksgiving Number Two. (We have Three of them this year which is less than last year and since I am not nearly as pregnant or stressed, it is all 100% better.)

Today's Thanksgiving was the traditional, jeans and t-shirts and turkey and mashed potatoes and lots of loud kids in a small space kind of Thanksgiving. Last night was the refined, beautiful and lovely Thanksgiving at a gorgeous restaurant with only my kids acting like maniacs. And tomorrow holds the Why Isn't My House Clean Enough to Have Guests Over and Please Dear God Don't Let Me Ruin Both Turkeys or the Mashed Potatoes and Is It Bedtime Yet Thanksgiving. In other words, I am hosting. Pray for my in-laws.

When we haven't been eating or parenting or kind of cleaning, we have been enjoying this:

I love this show.


  1. We were watching that today as well & cracked up when that came on. Can't wait for Season 5!

  2. Two Thanksgivings down, one to go! You can do it!!!! :)

  3. gobble gobble.

    gobble. gobble.

    gobble. gobble.

    Wow, that's a lot of gobbling.

  4. Not only did it make me laugh out loud, i snorted at the end...hehehe.
