Thursday, November 01, 2007
Day is Done

Candy tucked away in ziploc bags.
Costumes have been tossed aside on the couch.
We survived Halloween!
(Now, will we survive November and NaBloPoMo?)
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Reason 419 That I Miss Living In My Mom’s House
When the fires in San Diego flared up, we made an early morning decision to pack up and move to Mom's house in a more southeast section of San Diego county. It was mostly so we could keep me out of the smoke and soot that seemed to be all around us but also just for peace of mind. Our section of Poway was never "officially" evacuated, we were this 1 small square of land on a map that wasn't pink (pink=evacuated), although some neighbors received Reverse 911 calls.
Packing your belonging is, of course, an interesting experience. I remembered the framed picture of my dad as a little boy but forgot my toothbrush. I grabbed all of the quilts that David's Grandmother has made but they never actually MADE it to the car. And then, there's the fact that I completely overlooked packing ANY of my sister's beautiful artwork-but I got every single one of the kids' "Cars Movie" die cast metal cars.
Once we got to my mom's house, it was nice to feel safe, breathe relatively clean air and just relax. I was thankful David didn't have to go to work. And then, there was the REAL reason to be happy:

Every night we were at Mom's I took a soak in this bathtub of beauty. It was wonderful. I read books and wondered how long I could stay in the tub before I shriveled up like a raisin. This tub was so deep that if you filled it to capacity, you had to try to hold on or you'd float. It was not hard to reach the perfect balance of hot and cold water (but one night I over "essence oil-ed" with the Spearamint oil and no matter how hot the water was, my whole body was minty-cold-fresh.)
Now that we are home, I am happy to be living in a place that is more Toddler-ized with my own bed and things around me (like a toothbrush but more on that another time) but my bathtub is just not up to par.
And my mom lives too far away to make a nightly drive just for a tub soak.
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Go Fug Yourself...No Really, You Should!
The blog that I am currently obsessed with (at least for this week) is a site called "Go Fug Yourself." It is a place where celebrity fashions are reviewed in a snarky and hilarious manner. And if you know anything about me, then you know that not only did I fall in love because of the snark but I also fell in love because I think the word "fugly" is the funniest word ever. (Although not one I have in regular rotation in my personal vocabuary.)
All of this is to say, go check it out.
And laugh.
And wonder if George Clooney really is their intern.
And think how you want to be their best friends.
Lion For Fugs
Friday, October 12, 2007
And That's Why He's MY David
The day I told David that I wanted to marry him was July 4, 1995. I don't think, if you'd asked me then, if I would have been able to give you a detailed list as to WHY. So much of it just "felt right." I was 18, in love and young. Probably too young to even make up my mind about matters of the heart.
David and I got engaged about a year later and married a year after that. This year we celebrated 10 years of marriage. There isn't a whole lot that completely surprises me anymore-although every once in awhile he will pull something out of left field and try to find a function for all the leftover crusts cut off star shaped sandwiches for a birthday party.
Tomorrow the local firehouse is going to have an Open House. David planned to take Nathan and Nicholas to the Open House ("Mommy! We might even get to slide down the pole!") and possibly to the Miramar Air Show as well. David is excited to take the boys and Nathan has been talking about the firehouse for many days.
At work today, a coworker asked if David could cover a meeting tomorrow morning. It would only be a couple of hours and if David covered it, the co-worker would give us a very large gift certificate to any restaurant we desired.
After 10 years of marriage, 2 years of dating and more "moments of truth" in those years than an average Lifetime movie, I was not surprised to hear that David and my boys will be at the firehouse tomorrow.
He can lose all his hair, he can gain over 50 pounds, he can become a mouth breather even but no matter what, he will always be the most handsome, most wonderful, most amazing man I have ever known. And I don't think I could love him more than I do right now.
Thursday, October 11, 2007
First One to Get a Clogged Artery Wins!
Him: I got the results of my blood work from my physical today.
Me: Oh good, what do they say?
Him: Wow. My cholesterol is high. My triglycerides are too.
Me: How high? WOAH! I totally won that one. Mine aren't nearly that high!
Him: What did you get for Glucose? I got a 76.
Me: Ha! 72. I win again. What about Creatinine?
Him: What is that?
Me: Doesn't matter, fess up!
Him: I got a 1.0.
Me: Woo Hoo! I got a 0.9.
Him: But maybe we WANT that one to be high!
Me: Don't go making up rules because you are losing.
Him: Whatever. Potassium?
Me: 4.0.
Him: Me too. It's a tie.
Me: OK, I'll give you that one. But your cholesterol and stuff, we need to really do something about that.
Him: The letter here suggests "lifestyle changes." And I need to make a follow up appointment with the doctor.
Me: Sounds like a good plan.............Hey, can you finish off these cheezy scrambled eggs and buttered sourdough toast for dinner?
Friday, October 05, 2007
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Start Saving For the Counseling Now AND Place Your Bets!
From the mouth of The Great:
"Mommy, we should name our baby Loveheart Andrew Ruby Froten Humming.
But not Humming BIRD, because that will make our baby feel like a bird."
(Cause THAT is the only issue our kid would have with a name like that...that he felt like a bird all of his life.)
FIVE DAYS until we find out if we are hatching a boy or girl...a son of Adam or a daughter of Eve...if, in 20+ years, we will be PAYING for the wedding or just showing up.
Now's the time to get your "I-Told-You-So's" in. What are we having?
Currently, Lucy is still insisting that we are having a Baby Girl. No discussion about it. Don't even suggest it otherwise. Or she will yell at you. Or cry. Or both.
Nathan says we are having a boy. But when he talks about the baby he uses words like "she and her." He just now told me he doesn't like baby girls very much (but he does like BabyKake.)
And, for those new to the Zabrosky Birthing Process, we will be picking a name for this baby once we know what we are having. But we do not tell the name. Unless you guess and then I will tell you if you are right. So you can start thinking of ideas now. There is no limited number of guesses.
Finally, so everyone is on a level playing field, we take names for our kids from characters in books we love. But I can't promise that this name will be as easy as the last one was. (Lucy from Chronicles of Narnia? That was SUCH a Gimmie.)
Have at it!
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Choosing Quality over QUALITY
Sean Gaffney has another post about auditions up and this time it features a GREAT comment by our very own Angela.
When I first came to VGCC the music and drama ministry was thriving and we would put on youth musicals every summer. They became well known at my school and many of the kids who didn't go to church were interested in participating. We had some fun people join our ranks that way but I do remember when a gal from my school auditioned for the lead role that everyone wanted. She was a ringer. But when she didn't get the role she wanted, she stayed on for maybe 1 rehearsal and then just dropped out. I remember being relieved. I was lucky to be under the direction of people who had the wisdom to weigh so many factors in the audition process.
I have been in a similar situation casting my last play. I had a professional actor. A REAL ACTOR who wanted to be a part of things. I didn't know him well but others around me did so I listened to them. I watched him carefully during the audition process and all I saw was a true desire to be a part of the team. I gave him a big role. But then he didn't show up for our first rehearsal.
Gulp. What had I DONE?
Judgements were rushed to and conclusions were reached without any inquiry. I had a panic on the part of the rest of the cast and those who I turned to for counsel (outside my cast of actors) were causing me panic in my heart. Was this a power play? Did he think he was above the clearly stated guidelines for missing rehearsals? Did he not think me a competent director?
I sent an e-mail. I typed and re-typed it 3 or 4 times before I sent the simple: "Missed you at rehearsal today, what happened?"
That Sunday, a kind hearted, apologetic actor told me that he'd gotten stuck at work and wasn't able to make it home in time and had no phone numbers to call. He was terribly sorry and wanted to know what he missed. The heart of service and teamwork I was so sure I had glimpsed during auditions was still there. Praise God!
Our dinner theatre turned out to be one of the more fun processes I have ever been through. God gave me a team of actors who were ready to jump in with both feet and try the crazy hair-brained schemes I was cooking up. (Including this one and this one and this one and this one and this one and this one-to name a few. And that is not mentioning the amazing crew!)
Many of you have brought up the points Sean is bringing up much to think about! I love it. (I hope you are enjoying this too.)
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Friday, September 14, 2007
Stalkerazzi Toddler
In the state of Very Pregnant that I am, (actually, am I VERY pregnant yet? Or just pregnant? I mean, I am only 18 weeks), I took a nap yesterday while the kiddos napped.
Actually, I should say that I goofed around on the computer and watched old episodes of My Secret Show and then, around 3:30 as I fell asleep in front of my Bloglines screen, I decided the time was right for Mama to lay down on the couch. This meant that any moment, Young Master N8 the GR8 would wander downstairs from his "nap." (Nap for Nathan = Running around my bedroom doing things like setting up 15 small Toy Story green men on my nightstand facing my side of the bed or building a tower out of our video camera tapes. I find the weirdest things under my pillow when I go to bed at night. But I digress....)
So when my sweetie 4 year old jolts me awake by sitting on my stomach, I begged him to play and let Mommy sleep. He is actually very good at this when I am in the same room with him. He will play and make roads and only occasionally do I have to remind him that I don't want to BE one of his roads.
Today, roads were not the fascination of the day. It was my new cell phone. And more importantly the camera in my new phone. When I awoke, there were over 20 pictures capturing exactly what my son was doing for the 30 or so minutes I was sleeping.
Here are only a few of the highlights....
Click for full sized images...

Wednesday, September 12, 2007
I did not just see a man in a shirt and tie driving down Poway Road on a red Vespa Scooter with a lit ciggie, did I?
Ok then.
Monday, September 10, 2007
Time Changes Everything (First Day of School Edition)

Stood out on the lawn for the first day of school pictures and we had confidence. We were ALIVE, AWAKE, ALERT and ENTHUSIASTIC! We were ready to take on the day!
On the road to go to school! It finally sinks in (after many conversations earlier this week) that none of our friends from last year are in our class this year.
Walking up to school, we have a frown on our face and won't even smile and return the hug from the pre school director.
After checking out the classroom and ignoring the screaming kid whose mother was forcing him to introduce himself to us, our frowny face is still on. We have also drawn the same frowny face on a paper plate the teacher asked us to decorate. Mom realizes a hasty exit must be made.
We are greeted with a smile at the door and hugged by a sweet sweaty boy who had a GREAT day and LOVES his teacher and his room has the BEST toys and he remembered to use his self-control....but when talking to Daddy on the phone, is sure to make it clear that he still had a very bad day.
I think this picture holds the final verdict on the outcome of the First Day of School

Additional story (free just for reading this blog!)
Sunday, at church, Nathan was very excited to invite Amy to his school today.
"You will LOVE it! Really! You have to come!"
This morning, while sitting in the parking lot waiting for the front doors of school to open, Nathan looks around and says in a very serious tone,
"I don't think Amy came. Look for her car."
Friday, September 07, 2007
More on Auditions
Sean Gaffney has added two more posts on his topic of Auditions and the Church.
Read the second one in particular. It is the "exception" to the "demand" for talent and that is SPIRITUAL DEPTH.
Either Or Or
We Got Spirit, Yes We Do
Enjoy...and discuss. I LOVE hearing your thoughts and opinions on this topic.
Friday, August 31, 2007
Not Unlike Sophie's Choice
When given the choice between a clean mommy and 2 clean kids, I took the road most traveled and chose the clean kids.
Now I think I despise them for their cleanliness paraded around me in underwear and pull ups.
Thursday, August 30, 2007
The White Noise of a Four and a Half Year Old

In all honesty, my son has been talking for 30 solid minutes.
It doesn't matter that I have been carrying on full conversations with my daughter while he has been talking.
It doesn't matter that I told him I needed to read something and couldn't listen.
He is still talking.
And if you asked me what he was talking about, I couldn't tell you.
But I think it involves guns. And cars. And launching something at someone.
And the sound effects are amazing.
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Auditions, The Church and Ruffled Feathers
A writer I admire very much (and not just because he wrote King George and the Ducky" possibly the funniest of all the Veggie Tales although it really does carry some weight around my house) has been writing a series on auditions and the church.
His church is much larger than mine but still holds many of the same personalities. The kind being discussed here is those of the thinking that just because they want to/like to act or sing, they should be allowed to do so in a public forum such as Worship Team or a role in a play.
Sean Gaffney has been arguing that point. No, I don't like arguing as the word here. Instead I will say he has been providing backup and Biblical Foundations to show that not only is the audition process the only way that we can be sure that The Best is given to God when worshipping Him through acting and song but also that it was a Biblical example demonstrated by Jesus Himself.
It is powerful stuff. Moving and challenging to this drama team director who can be very picky but also has a soft heart for those who might enjoy the acting craft but don't necessarily have the talent to follow it up.
I suggest that even if you aren't into "The Arts" that you still read it. It is an amazing reminder about how we are supposed to offer God our "First Fruits," the VERY BEST of what we have to give. Whether it be our acting and singing or our ability to work with children or even just make coffee and set out donuts with a great love and efficiency.
We, as a church, are truly One Body. We must refuse to let the political correctness of "everyone who wants to play can play" invade that very example that was given to us by the Lord. Instead, we are meant to seek out and discover the gifts and talents we each have and help our church family do the same so that we can be the most effective Body of Christ possible.
I will list each day's entry here in order so you only have to click on the link. Please take the time to read them. Allow your mind to open up to a new way of thinking and be challenged to check yourself in your giving of your First Fruits. Should you feel inspired and moved, speak up and share your thoughts with Sean. Or, if you want to instead, sing him some lyrics... "Because I love my duck!"
Picky, Picky, Picky (Part One)
Auditions and the J-Man (Part Four)
And let me know what you think too.
Friday, August 24, 2007
A Story for Amy…
I think to myself, “Wow! That’s cool! I bet Amy would think it was cool too!”
I continue driving.
I think about how when you SEE a really cool license plate, it is fun to tell people about it but it is waaaay cooler to be able to SHOW it to people.
I am still on the same route as this driver so I grab the camera phone.
I can’t get close enough.
I try zooming in.
It just isn’t working.
Well, maybe she isn’t driving much past where I am driving….I could, um, follow her for a little bit.
So I follow her.
And follow her.
I am now 5 miles out of my way and I have 2 kids in my car wondering why we are not going home.
Well into the 6th mile, I realize that my camera phone just isn’t going to cut it in capturing this shot.
I glance into the front seat of my car.
Ohh! The Rebel XTI-my NEW camera is right there!
Isn’t it handy how the on/off switch is right where your thumb goes when you hold the camera?
I get to a stoplight.
I grab my camera.
I wonder if I am crazy.
FINALLY, the shutterbug/stalker gods smile on me and I am right behind the car whose license plate I want to show Amy!
I raise my camera.
And I realize I am driving WHILE LOOKING THROUGH MY CAMERA VIEWFINDER. I have now become one of those insane woman drivers you see on the 6 o’clock news.
I got the shot.

Well, I couldn't REALLY post the picture could I?
The crazy train honestly doesn't go to the end of the tracks.
The anticlimactic end of the story is that the plate basically said she was a 3 Day Walker-as in Breast Cancer 3 Day. It was cool. But sometimes the journey is more fun than the destination.
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
14 Week Report...And it’s All Truth. Really.
I have had so many people asking me how I have been feeling lately. Many of them know this pregnancy has been harder on me than the last two and they are so kind and concerned.
However, I have never been much of a complainer.
(Honest. I'm not. SERIOUSLY, you guys!)
So I do will not recite to you a laundry list of problems I have been having (that are so very NOT unusual OR interesting to anyone except maybe my Mom.)
Let's instead say that pregnancy is a beautiful, wonderful and blessed event. Once I found I was pregnant, my children became well behaved and spend all day in harmony playing quiet board games at my feet whilst I read "What to Expect When You Are Expecting." My husband hired a chef so I will put only whole, organic and healthy foods into my blossoming belly and a maid to tidy up after the children. (Although I don't know why, they are already so very tidy on their own!) I retire to bed early, feeling peaceful that my house is in order and I arise with the late morning sun fully rested and content.
I recommend pregnancy to EVERYONE!
Isn't that nicer than hearing how many times a day I get to puke...even at Price Club? :)
Monday, August 20, 2007
Friday, August 17, 2007
Beginning the Day on a Positive Note
Alternately Titled
How I Began My Day Today
I was awoken with the following phrase delivered by my Sweet Sweetness Nate the Great:
"*Gasp!* Mommy! Your armpit hair is almost as long as Daddy's!"
I know you all are jealous.
Edit: It was not ANYWHERE near that long.
I just have a dramatic kid.
Monday, August 13, 2007
Weekend Talking Points...discuss amoungst yourselves how amazing my life is.
(Hang on, I am laughing too hard to type.)
-I was asked to leave by the manager of Mimi's. I didn't put up a fight since they had closed about 45 minutes ago and were removing cushions from the booths and vacuuming the carpet.
-Took full advantage of the lack of Child Labor Laws in our home and had the kids clean the car with us. They bagged all their toys up and then we put them to work scrubbing the floor mats. After the mats were clean, they cleaned all their outside toys and got soaking wet in the process. We laid towels out on the front lawn and sunbathed and ate lunch picnic style. And then we took a loooong bath. It was one of those days that you never want to end.

-Took two wound up, clean and wiggly kids to the outlet mall in Carlsbad (along with two of our favorite twin 17 year olds) and went shoe shopping for David. Best part? When I lost Lucy in the shoe store and found her heading out the front door. Who had the brilliant idea to not bring the stroller?
-Laughed at the situation Sunday morning during band rehearsal as a hummbingbird flew around the Worship Center for over an hour. He mysteriously disappeared right before church started and I was waiting in anticipation for the bird to drop dead on someone's lap in the middle of the sermon.
-Watched Lucy Joy slide down a really big water slide and splash down in a pool of water. She REALLY didn't like it at first but after about 10 minutes, she was telling everyone what a big girl she was!
-Ahhh, a nice long nap.
-Said goodbye to a fish-Wando the plecostamous was in full rigor by the time we discovered him. Technically he is Wando Number Two since when the last one died we told NAthan that we took him to the pet store doctor to get all better. This time I told him the truth. He is handling it pretty well but gets a little sad now and then.
-Met a black widow. I opened the garage, began to walk out the garage to circle around to the drivers side when I almost ran into the decending spider WITH. MY. FACE. Alyssa jumped INside the car as quickly as possible and I called David to come rescue me. He squashed it with a hammer.
After that excitement, I went and....
-Watched meteors! Alyssa told us about the metor shower and after we discovered that there are just too many lights around my house, we went for a drive. It was amazing. We didn't see a TON but we saw two really big ones with tails that streched across the sky long after they were gone. It was simply breathtaking. The inside of the car had too much light too so we had to get creative to cover up the thermostat and clock. (Yeah, that's a diaper.)

Monday, August 06, 2007
Measuring the Levels of Wrongness
How wrong is it that after a really amazing sermon on evangelism (just the right amount of encouragement, conviction from The Spirit and practical tools) my pastor got to the last point:
Live Life With Flare (spelling intentional)
...and all I could think about was this:

"I don't like to talk about my flair."
And then, how wrong is it that my mind took the pieces of flair idea and ran down the street wondering what Christian Pieces of Flair might look like?
And that the only thing that brought me out of my "Office Space" Haze was the fact that I had to go to the stage and sing?